Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting a bead on art

Ha! It's a pun! You'll wish I hadn't written that in a minute.

Saturday I went back to the Anchorage Museum to see a bead art exhibit. OK, not that good a pun, but it was pretty interesting art. The bead art, which is from artists all over the nation, consisted of extremely elaborate jewelry, extremely elaborate purses or bags, extremely elaborate scupltures, and a few beadloomed straightforward pictures-also extremely elaborate. All were painstaking in their elaborateness, and even the things I didn't personally like were interesting to look at.
Also on exhibit right at the moment is a display of photos and artefacts from when the Japanese invaded the Aleutian islands. Don't worry, we drove them back off again! I plan to use this exhibit to lure Art to the museum with me - he is a WWII buff, so it will probably work. Also, we got an annual membership, so hopefully we will be visiting often.

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