Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween - Alaska Style

Halloween is my favorite holiday by far, so I was very glad in early September when I saw all the spooky stuff appearing in the stores. I know a lot of places don't really do Halloween in any serious way - in many ways it is an east coast thing. And I don't know if they do much in the villages, but Anchorage certainly likes the holiday.

As you might expect, there is not as much outdoor stuff, but there was a reasonable sprinkling of haunted attractions indoor in empty mall stores and so on. It is hard to enjoy a hayride or cornmaze in 20 degree weather. If people get turned around and stay too long, later visitors will see some actual gruesomeness! Kids here do actual trick-or-treating, but it is in shorter bursts than in PA. People at work were talking about their kids costumes - joking about dressing them up as skiers or Michelin men, which does not seem like a bad idea. And as always, there are Alaska twists - you have to watch what you do with your jack-o-lantern. Moose find pumpkins tasty, and it is not unknown to find moose standing on your porch eating them. The paper had an article last week advising people, once Halloween is over, to put their pumpkins in areas away from roads and travelled areas for moose to enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'd love it here! Hawaii really loves Halloween too. I was kind of surprised by it, but I'm not