Saturday, May 24, 2008

Art here. It's saturday now here in AK, the first day of a long weekend. I'm spending this one alone for the first time in our marriage. Sigh. It's very lonely here. Jane & I spoke on the phone quite a bit today, which is good, but it's not the same as being together.
It's also cold and rainy. Although that sounds dismal, it's some of my favorite weather. I find it cool, refreshing and peaceful.
Today's progress; Our new mattress & box-spring arrived today. The bed they go on will not arrive for 6 weeks or so (in fact, it hasn't even left PA yet, Jane's sleeping on it as I write). But at least I have a real bed to sleep on now. The air mattress from Sears (yes, we have Sears here) is quite comfortable but has a "temporary" feel to it. It will serve now as our couch until we find a better.
Also in the news, Our Netflix account is now reinstated. At least I've got some videos to watch while I miss my Dear One.
Today is also my first day in AK where I don't need to leave home for any reason. I'm taking this opportunity to relax & recharge from the 'go-go-go' of the last 2 weeks.........

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